Have You Ever Seen Anything Like This?

Train like a PRO even when you are in the office! =)


Mus Dahlan said...

This is good example of mental training. It looks funny but believe it or not, we did similar thing like this as mental training. That time we use mirror to see the reflection of the crew. How we move together. Then, we've been asked to close eyes and continue to row.

Listen to your buddy. Sound of breathing, imagine the sound of the blade catching the water & the clicking sound of the oar when you twist the blade.

TEAMWORKS - you have to think like one, act like one, speak like one and behave like one!

Mohd Muazan Mohsin said...

waaa...a very good review from you =)

Mus Dahlan said...

yesss arr? am i too serious? wahahaha....

good luck guys! All the best for URI 2008....

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