How to dazzle rival crews...


Juares Rizal (M2x bowman pacer & M8+ 1st stroke-man) preparing for the long race day ahead. Or was it post-race?


Aftermath: Varsity Boat Race 2009


The Varsity Boat Race 2009 concluded on the 11th of Oct with UNITEN raking 2 bronze medals. The M4+ and the M8+ crews positioned themselves in the 3rd and 4th place respectively. Why the bronze medal for the M8+ crew? The M8+ race was of  international category. Ateneo de Manila University, UTHM and UTM ranked first, second and third respectively. The local crews were awarded medals for a local category (a sub-category of the international M8+ race). Sharp eyed readers would notice th ASEAN title being dropped from the name as other Asian countries were invited too, albeit, none attended. Overall, the event was an eye opener to our crews as many new varsities such as  UMS, USIM and as usual UTHM have upped their game tremendously. The lack of equipment, training and commitment among our rowers clouds our future accomplishment. One team to look up to will be UTHM; for they have won the Regatta Trophy (Overall Winner). Their success is a story of administration involvement (financial & motivational), training, and commitment. They have rised steadily from oblivion to what many say, the country's best. All within 2 years. Emulating their success is a tall order although nothing is impossible if we put our minds to it.

Full race results after the jump.

Day 4 (Final)

P.S: Rumours in the grape vines state that UNITEN administration is looking forward to acquiring rowing shell/shells for the team. Keep your fingers crossed.


URC Information Series Poster Numero Uno


URC has launched a series of posters, aptly named URC Information Series. Its main aim is to educate UNITEN students on rowing and also as a medium of publicity for the club. The first of this series is "Ergometer: The Fundamentals" which introduces readers to the erg. Next in the series is "Rowing Boat Technology". Poster available for view after the jump.

Hit the Toggle Full Screen button (small white square in a larger darker square) at the top right corner for a larger view.


Rowers, lets have some fun! Wuhuu!!


Hi Rowers!

Thank you for joining Uniten Rowing Club!

For a start, lets have some fun! Join us to have relax and leisure activities such as 'kayaking' etc tomorrow (24 July 2009) at Kelab Tasik Putrajaya, Presinct 8!

Double leisure kayak!

Canadian Canoe!

Details are as follows:

Gather Venue : DSS/MPH

Transportation : Own transportation / Car pool / Convoi

(Please gather to do name checklist and short taklimat)

Gather Time : 1700hrs

End Time : 1900hrs

Venue : Kelab Tasik Putrajaya, Presint 8, Putrajaya.(10 mins travel from UNITEN)

Fees: RM 5 (compulsary!)

Own items : Camera, Drinks etc

Please respond your attendance to this email ( before Friday prayers.

Thank you for your kind attention!


p/s: AJKs, do invite those who've been involved rowing 0809 session.Senior and ex-rowers are also invited! =D

"Sports is meant for fun, not politics"




A very good day to Uniten Rowers. It was a spurise news I received from informers regarding this year Uniten Rowing Invitational 2009. As what from I have been informed, URI 2009 this year has been postponed to a new unknown date. The original date was to be scheduled on 29th JULY 09 - 1 August 09. The Uniten authorities have decided to postponed the event due to the spread of H1N1 virus occured in our country. Thus, this result of little participation in this event from international and local universities.

However, as I was again informed, there will be training (ergo , gym, rowing etc) as usual scheduled this open semester. Let us pray for this event to be re-held as soon as possible.



URI Invitation for Alumni Rowers


To Alumni Rowers!

Alumni Rowing Club is currently searching for alumni rowers, who had involved in rowing sports since its early establishment, to be participating in this upcoming URI event. ARC is to gather all alumni rowers, to be formed as a team which will be led and handled by ARC itself.

Therefore, for alumni rowers who are interested to join URI end of this July, may pursue inquiries to saudara Saifullah Ramly. His contacts info are as follows:

Mohd Saifullah b Hj Ramly

Below are additional info regarding the alumni team.Thank you!


Berikut adalah detail untuk URI seperti di bawah. Dilampirkan juga borang penyertaan untuk tindakan sahabat.

Confirmed Details:

Date : Saturday, 1 August 2009 – Alumni Category

Venue : Putrajaya Water Sports Complex

Entry fees : RM50 per entry

Event : Coxless 4 (Men & Women)

Distance : 1000 meter

Untuk makluman sahabat, pihak ARC juga akan menyediakan t-shirt (20 helai untuk team Men & Women) untuk Alumni Rowing Team,mohon bantuan sahabat untuk memberi Nama Penuh dan Saiz Baju kepada saya sebelum 29 June 2009 berserta dengan Entry Form. Pihak ARC mencadangkan untuk diadakan 2 team lelaki dan 1 team perempuan.

Looking forward to having your teams participate and network among other alumni members.

ARC will keep you all updated on the schedule, etc once the entry forms have been compiled.

Thank you.

For further information or any inquiries, please contact:

Tel: 03-89212020 ext 5540 (Adila/ Su), 5542 (Shaufi), 7541 (Jacinta) or 7540 (Dr Chua)



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